Life Hacks


Poo kashayam, is one of the effective and safe preparation, which can be easily made at home if a couple of the ingredients are available. Being used for many of the new born babies, it is believed to impart wellness and health, by improving complexion, boosting immunity, clearing the bowels regularly and enhancing intellect. All at our home, was given this recipe while we were new born babies, meaning to say that, this is a recipe inherited all down to the present day, through effective practices, from our ancestors.

Soak 2 to 3 dry grapes in a half glass of water overnight. The next day, boil the same with 5 to 6 flowers of Ixora (Flame of the woods), 1 hibiscus flower with 5 petals in it, 4 to 5 leaves of Brahmi, 1 leaf of Parnayavani, 1-2 leaves of holy basil along with sufficient quantity of candy sugar (that which we usually add to make it palatable in case of children). Reduce the contents into a quarter (1/4th), so that you can administer it to babies at early morning and in empty stomach daily up to 3 months of age.

Vitis vinifera
MadhuraSnigdha,guru, mridhuSheetaMadhuraVata pitta hara
Ixora coccinea
Kashaya tikthaLaghuSheethaKatuPitta hara
Hibiscus rosasinensis
Kashaya tikthaLaghu, rukshaSheethaKatuKapha pitta hara
Bacopa monnieri
Tiktha KashayaLaghuSheethaMadhuraKapha pitta hara
Coleus amboinicus
Katu tikthaLaghu, rukshaUshnaKatuKapha vata hara
Occimum sanctum
Tiktha Laghu, rukshaUshna Katu Kapha vata hara
Table of ingredients with it’s medical qualities

Analysing this table of ingredients and its properties, one can understand that most of the medicines in it, reduces Kapha and Pitta Doshas, which in a longer run is beneficial to the children. Being “Nithyam ksheera ghrita ashanath”(daily eating milk and ghee), babies are always Kapha predominant in nature, where in Balyavastha – the kapha predominant age also has its importance. So more likely, this Poo Kashaya – increases Vata (due to its Laghu Sheeta Guna in general) and reduces Pitta and Kapha (due to its Rasa predominance). This mode of action makes it beneficial to children making them free from diseases caused by Kapha (more seen in children).

The recipe in general improves digestion, helps in clearing bowels regularly, relieves colicky pain and helps in removal of flatulence too. It can also enhance complexion in babies.

*Disclaimer: Any recipe written in this blog is derived out of personal experience, some with text referrals and some identified amongst the effective practice in traditional medical systems around us. The dosage to be consumed, method of preparation or ingredients used varies from person to person. It is believed that the medicines are individual specific and administered with respect to various factors like Deha prakrithi (Body Constitution), Rogabala (Strength of the disease), Rogibala (Tolerance of the patient), Kala-Desha (Time & Place of residence), Vaya (Age). Hence, I advice, that the same may be considered in practice only after consulting your Doctor or Vaidya. The article in this blog, is for the sole purpose of understanding, education and creation of awareness.

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