Elementary Ayurveda


On this happening occasion of 28th World Breastfeeding week (August 1-7, 2020), I would consider it my privilege, if I could share some knowledges about breastfeeding and have a discussion with my audience and of course it would make me contented. 

Before moving on to the core aspects of breastfeeding and this blog, one should understand what probably makes motherhood so special. Can you imagine, even before the actual formation of yourself within your mother’s womb, your parents must have dreamt of you. Exciting ??? They have dreamt of you, to be brought up in the finest and hopeful form and then nurtured you to bring out the best in you. Apart from the care that the mother provides, there is a divine bond between the baby and mother, which will always guide you, even if she is not physically present around you. This divine bond is completely attained only by the natural establishment of breastfeeding.

“Healthy neonates, when placed skin to skin on their mother’s chest, stimulates the release of maternal oxytocin, thus beginning the flow of milk and enhancing feeding of love for the baby. Then the baby smells, mouths and licks the mother’s nipple, attaching herself to the breast and feeds”  

Suraj Gupte – The short textbook of Paediatrics

I have seen a couple or more of those precious moments, between mother and the baby, and could cherish it all and that really bring in horripilation. Even in such a physically painful moment, the mother holds the tiny her in the arms that shiver with pain, turning red with extreme excitement of being a mother and kisses her baby – whom she never thought would be her world for the rest of her life. Goosebumps, right?? Yes, it’s a honour to be a tiny somebody’s everything. 

Relocating ourselves to the concept, after successful establishment of breathing and maintenance of temperature, the subsequent efforts should be to provide adequate nutrition to the tiny human. Of course, food – considered as Mahabhaishajya (the best medicine) is the demand of this little one and his/her right too. But for the adequate production and secretion of breastmilk, each mother should be provided with necessary guidance and enormous support from her family – both in terms of body and the mind- not only during the post-natal period but also during her gestation. Happiness is health and pleasant state of mind is the absolute need of the man, may it be a man or woman.


The food which is consumed by the mother during her gestation (the pregnancy duration) is perfectly being utilised for 3 purposes. One part providing nourishment for mother (Mathuhu Pushtyartham), the next that nutrify the growing baby in utero (Garbha Pushtyartha) and the third part that foster the breasts to secrete the breastmilk (Sthana Pushtyartha). It is the food of mother that after digestion circulates all over the mother’s body and reaches breasts to bring in secretion of breastmilk (Sthanya), an upadhatu of Rasa dhatu. When I say about nourishment of mother, it doesn’t mean that a lean lady produces less milk or an obese one secretes more. It should be very clearly understood that neither the size of breasts nor nourishment of mother directly has role in production and secretion of breastmilk. Breastmilk is always baby specific, that means each mother secretes milk which is best suited for her own baby. No other mothers’ milk or animal milk, or formula feeds can mimic the qualities of breastmilk provided by baby’s own mother.

Motherhood is so special, enjoy being one.


Just like how ghee is present in milk, how jaggery in sugarcane – both being invisible till its absolute appearance, likewise is both Shukra and Sthanya (Semen and Breastmilk). Cheshta (the manipulations in body), darshana (contact or seeing of your partner), smarana (thinking of your partner), shabdha samshravanath (sounds of your partner), sparshanath ( touch of your partner), samharshath (happy and enjoying – relaxing state of mind) – all these are inevitable factors that results in ejaculation of semen during intercourse, though being invisible, circulating all over the body and makes it available at the right time. Similarly, is sthanya (breastmilk) too. 

Being formed from the food of mother, circulating all over the body, the stimulus like samsparshana ( touch of her baby), darshana (contact / seeing her baby), smarana (thinking of her baby), grahana (holding her baby), sneho niranthara (love and care from mother to baby) – results in secretion of breastmilk.

That is why Doctors say to feed your child even when secretion of milk is less..

It is only after the delivery, that the channels carrying breastmilk – engorges and produces flow of milk and that probably would increase with  continuous sucking stimuli from her baby (that is why Doctors say to feed your child even when secretion of milk is less), the happy, pleasant and peaceful state of mother’s mind (indicating the psychological facets of mother) and with timely action of hormones ( maintaining a strong hypothalamo-pituitary-mammary axis). It takes time to bring in all these factors in harmony and that is why most lactating mothers have less secretion of breastmilk during initial few days (3 to 4 days), where as, later they are well established and act like Amritha (Ambrosia), resulting in optimum growth and development of your child.


Ideal breastmilk is that which can provide uninterrupted gain of strength, results in undisturbed growth and development of child, maintains the longevity and of course maintaining a disease-free condition for both mom and the baby. It also brings in immense happiness and health, without losing the comfort of mother and baby as well. Of course, ideal breastmilk is sweet in taste (being rich in carbohydrates and lactose), astringent in sub taste, cold in potency, also provides nourishment, increases digestion, oleates and is congenial to the baby too. Being light in weight, it is also used as a medicine for various eye disorders and as an instillation for bleeding disorders termed as Rakthapitta.

Yes!!! It takes someone brave to be a mother, someone strong to raise a child and someone special to love someone more than herself – Motherhood is so special, keep enjoying it always. Incredible mothers…

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