Elementary Ayurveda


Do you know that Ayurveda system of medicine has its own kind of specialisations ? Believing and trusting in traditions, probably the concepts of specialisations and super specialities might have emerged from the concepts of branches of Ayurveda, explained in – many a thousand years prior. Then why do folks say that there are no recorded evidences for this system? It was a few years ago that medical fraternity learnt to assess the works done and produce a few thought-provoking outcomes out of it. But, our ancestors, even five thousand years ago, could scribble down their efficient principles, which they have practised and found effective and preach it to the next generations. They had noted down even the finest of the symptoms and the methods and amalgams, adopted to heal the dis-eases or dis-orders that occurred then. The environmental metamorphosis and refashioning lifestyles, resulted in loss of purest form of science in oblivion and discontinuation of traditions happened. It was our mistakes to not find ways to replenish the lost parts or at least explore the available science to its fullest. Thanks to few of them, those who bothered to caress this natural system until now and preserve the available form in the possible purest and fine practise.

Back to the offshoots of Ayurveda, we have eight specific branches of Ayurveda – known as “Ashta Angas of Ayurveda” – which can be referred to as the specialities of Ayurveda.

KAYA – Itself indicating the body and the metabolism representing the digestion and core aspects of cellular metabolism, deals with all diseases occurring in one’s body and comprehends the concepts of General medicine.

BALA – Deals with the antenatal care, puerperal care, growth and development, diseases of infancy, childhood and adolescence with its treatment. It also manages to include qualities of breastmilk – resultant manifestations with its cure, purifying measures related to vitiated breastmilk, qualities of wet nurse and various diseases that alters the functioning of mind.

Factually, in present day, the branch has split into two – one dealing with the Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the other with concepts of Paediatrics. 

GRAHA – Deals with the psychiatric aspects and mental derangement disorders, prevailing more now and can render help in the present-day scenario. Of course, this is one among the under explored and unproperly understood branch of Ayurvedic medicine, but trying to be explored more.

URDWA – Also known as Shalakya, refers to the dis-orders pertaining to head and neck and comprehends faculties of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology (Eye & ENT). This is yet another branch which if fully explored, you will be astonished to find references of various disorders.

SHALYA – I am sure, at least a quarter of Vaidhyas might have come across a query “Does Ayurveda has surgery in it??” Arey Bhaiyya!! The branch of science that deals with various surgical and orthopaedic procedures, extraction of foreign bodies, may it be exogeneous or endogenous ones, the instruments and appliances used for surgeries and incorporates the methods of preparation, of its application and post application care. Procedures like Cautery is also explained in detail, which comprehends the Surgery specialisation.

DAMSHTRA – Also known as Agada – this specialisation deals with diagnosis and treatment of bites of poisonous snakes, insects, spiders etc and criminal administration of poison, referred to the clinical toxicology specialisation. Yet another branch which is incompletely explored and utilised.

JARA – Methods and medicines to preserve youth, prolong life, promote intelligence and strength, bestows immunity to resist diseases are in detailed explained in this branch, known as Rasayana or Jara chikitsa. I am uncertain about the contemporary branch specialisation in relation with Rejuvenating therapy as most of the people rely on Ayurveda for serving this purpose. Most often, Ayurveda is the relaxation therapy or spa for few who has tried exploiting this divine heritage.

VRISHA – Includes the measures to increase quantity of semen when its scanty, for its purification when vitiated, replenishing its losses and methods of improving virility. This is another branch of science unleashed incompletely and unpractised sufficiently.

Briefing all the eight branches of Ayurveda (Ashtangas of Ayurveda), I would be contented if at least a few of you who were unaware about the specialities could understand the capability of this heritage science.

Ayurveda, always gave importance to prevention than the cure and hence one should try to explore it in the same manner. Why go for medicines, if it can be prevented? Why cut if you can untie…

Truly sad to notice that many branches are misunderstood and exploited rather than trying to justify the purpose why it was all systematically explained in literatures and now limited only to the literatures. My dear audience, we have immense time (but do it as fast as you can) to explore the purest form of science, bringing out its power completely so that this heritage science of medicine, will be brought out as first line of treatment, throughout the world, bringing in tranquillity – physically, mentally and spiritually.

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