Elementary Ayurveda / Uncategorized


It is not just a month or two, it is for more than 9 months that a parent should wait, for the arrival of their special one, but yes, the wait is worth for. For sure, its my pleasure to let you know that Ayurveda has immense measures to care both mother and baby during the ante natal, natal and the post- natal period. In Kerala, many a people go for proper nurturing and care through Ayurveda measures during this crucial time. This is because, a Vaidhya, knowing the proper constitution of both mother and baby, analyses and cares appropriately by advising the best diet and regimen for them.

For mother, after the tiresome gestation and delivery, may it be a normal one or the C – Section, she underwent a huge load of stress, both physically and psychologically. Our mode of care tries to bring in harmony in these physical and mental attributes, bringing in strength and enthusiasm, to maintain her kid healthiest. Where as in a baby who underwent a huge physical stress during his journey to land in here, the transition from the womb to the world, should be made sufficiently smooth and this has to be done by considering the uniqueness of each child and their specific nature of health. This should be given utmost importance as both mother and baby should be healthy enough, to make the post – natal life pathologically uneventful.

We would be interestingly discussing each of them in following blogs.

New born baby care in our literatures have salient features of relieving the physical and psychological stress of both mom and baby, measures to protect them for various external and internal conflicts and derangements, deeds to initiate feeding and to provide the nutritional needs, thereby bringing in the most congenial environment, physically – mentally – socially & spiritually, ensuring intact survival and reducing the morbidity and mortality rates.

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