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Once you understand what health is, it will be easier to know what a disease is. You might have noticed people say in between weird chats that “I am absolutely healthy”. Few say it in terms of merely an absence of disease, few considers it as a happy familial atmosphere, few in terms of qualifications and career and very few based on their well being in all these aspects.

WHO defines health as a physical, mental, social, spiritual well being and not merely an absence of dis-ease. Yes!! Astonished to know that spiritual health is also included??? Now say, how many of you are really healthy? Lets see what Ayurveda explains,

“Sama Dosha, Sama Agnischa, Sama Dhatu, Mala Kriya

Prasanna Atma Indriya Manaha Swastha Ithyabhidheeyathe”

Wait..wait.. Let me explain it please…

Dosha, considered as the basic entities to form your body, the vitiation of which produce dis-eases or dis-orders

Agni, indicating the optimal functioning of digestive system resulting in health

Dhatu, they are the tissue level organisers which are seven in number (remembering the importance of Seven which I mentioned in my first blog), maintaining all cellular metabolisms to create and maintain health

Mala, the waste products that should timely be eliminated out from the body in the form of urine, faeces and sweat. Remember, only when the body functions remain healthy, there occurs timely elimination of these end products

Atma, indicating the spiritual wellness, which was also mentioned in the definition of health by WHO

Indriya, absolute health of the sense organs along with their eminent and efficient functioning

Mana, indicating the pleasant and peaceful state of mind

Yet a more defined and finest definition of health, isn’t it?? Incorporating all aspects of WHO’s definition of health, Ayurveda explains a more efficient and thought-provoking definition which gave importance to all aspects of life, that a common man could worry about & care as well. More scientific and well explained. And not to forget that these were defined more than 5000 years ago. Who else could do it for us other than our ancestors? Also remember, this is health as per all sciences until today, no additions nor deletions till date.

Coming back towards what dis-ease is,

“Rogasthu dosha vaishamyam”

An imbalance in dosha, dhatu, mala etc – the basic structural and functional unit of all organs and systems, indicates a dis-ease. There are references stating that the substrata of disease are both body and the mind.

Knowing health and disease in a zoom in mode, I hope at least a few of you could understand the status of your well being and absolutely what it means. Keep updating your knowledge through this blog, so that I can assure you that you will become healthy and enjoy being healthier.

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